We have visited all the ERP functional areas during this journey and discovered how Artificial Intelligence gives its strength in suggestions, automation, and metric calculation, empowering every specific operation.
In this chapter, we will flush out how AI can even be part of all standard features. Text search and document storing can elevate to the next level of quality.
Fulfilling forms
Independently from the feature, the most optimisable work on ERP is fulfilling fields of a form. Machine learning performs this optimisation by enhancing the user interface with some easy hints. Depending on the already-provided content (in the mask, in the historical records of the same feature and the latest saved ones), it suggests that the top matching possible options, texts, and values on the focused field.
The algorithm improves the proposing values the more the user writes content or chooses the values (both the ones proposed by the Machine Learning's UI or the standard ERP's UI).
Intelligent searching
We are in use to get keen search results provided by powerful search engines. The AI is capable of bringing to the ERP similar power. Nowadays, the search engines calculate the relevance of the research's output not simply by finding the presence of the term but instead using a complex operation. The deep learning feature scans the result's outcome and provides an abstract concerning the searched word(s). The search engine performs the actual term's research on that abstract.
The implementation of AI in the ERP can do the same. Every research can be improved using this procedure. As an additional feature, the outcome could show the abstract of every result (it helps the user reading the short description instead of entering into the resulting page).
Innovative content and document management
As per the research, also here deep learning can provide resourceful information. Storing documents, articles, or other informational text everywhere in the ERP, the automation behind the scenes can execute the deep learning algorithm on the content, detect the main topic and the actual core arguments. This recognition can create the tags and a content summary automatically then store them together with the content.
The extracted abridgement and tags would pair the content. For example, the UI may show them as hints or other features for helping the user to understand the content.
The application of Artificial Intelligence provides helpful hints to the user everywhere in the ERP areas. Even simple text fields like the article description can have an enhanced feature like the automatic creation of the abstract. A significant step forward.
The journey
You can start the journey here:
The world of ERP… with a pinch of AI
The first episode:
The second… sales:
#3: Billing
Chapter 4: Customer care
Fifth episode:
Intelligent Purchasing with Machine Learning
The sixth: Production
N.7 - Inventory
Episode 8 - Service
AI as an aid for the Service management
9: Finance
Financial and accounting management + ML
Number ten:
The eleventh:
Project Management and Planning strengthened by AI
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